Wednesday, March 31, 2010

mmKeys.dll iTunes multimedia keys fix

So you have done it for in the past I guarantee it. You have been playing something on your iTunes and you got a phone call or had to do something else really quickly and then you went to pause your iTunes with your pause key on your laptop or keyboard. O no it does not work. All because iTunes doesn't listen to universal keys unless it is the the app in focus. Well not anymore. If you watch my video on youtube you will see how to get around this and it being seamless and simple. No more complex scripting or anything like that.

MyTekki: Audio Tips - mmKeys.dll Multimedia Keys Windows iTunes

Thanks Again,
Mike D.
~ " From Computers to E-Commerce " ~
     ~ " I'll let MyTekki handle this " ~

Thursday, March 25, 2010

YouTube Channel - Growing Quickly

As time permits I am posting many videos on my personal YouTube channel. Soon I will hopefully have the rights to the user name MyTekki. Someone took this user name a while back and I am going to try to work with that user to try to obtain it. I.E. The current channel is

If you have any comments questions or thoughts about a video you would like to see please let me know I will be more than happy to post any video. I will be doing a video shortly on WEP security and WPA security. As well as my script I wrote a while back to back up a SQL Express database. I will be showing you how to implement it and the requirements for the script to function correctly. I aim to populate the YouTube channel as much as I can as well as the blog. Also I am personally going to be obtaining my MCSA and MCSE shortly. This is a personal goal of mine and will be starting the course shortly.

Thanks Again,
Mike D.
~ " From Computers to E-Commerce " ~
     ~ " I'll let MyTekki handle this " ~

Saturday, March 6, 2010

ATTN Mac and iPhone users

On a normal MyTekki does not write about Mac stuff too much because our primary focus/target is not Macs but it is technology and we do support them. So as a Mac owner and as a technology enthusiast. I found a couple cool things this past weekend. Although I have known about letterbox for the past many years I thought I would bring it up one more time since it is such a great add on to the class I personally just bought a new mac and have to install all my little apps that I had on my old mac that I sold. Letterbox is definitely one of them. So fi you are/were a primary pc user you would note that if/when you used Outlook you had the option (Microsoft put it that way by default in 2007) of moving you mail preview pane to the right. Which with widescreen monitors and and machines now a days makes sense. It works well and looks good. However Apple still has yet to allow this nor adopt it. Here comes letter box to save the day.

Snow Leopard users (read the read me)

Another option that is really compatible for Leopard users is WideMail. Although they claim to be compatible with Snow Leopard I would still recommend letter box. Although there is a manual install process it is super easy and really nice.

The other amazing thing I have found over the last week is called Square.

Without going into a great bit of detail If you own a business or looking to just indulge by selling items. Square is looking/promising to be amazing. You can sign up for a free trial. Here is a link to a youtube video for a product overview.

I mean for larger companies it will not make sense. But it definitely makes sense for smaller companies or individuals.

If you have any questions please feel to contact our support team.

you can use the live chat option on the page or if they are not online just leave a message.

Thanks Again,
Mike Daniels